Saturday, March 03, 2012

Redesign my website & moved it to the "cloud" with Google Sites

A new website ( for my company OJN Data AB is in progress since a week back. Work on new website is not quite clear yet, but since yesterday it's on display in public.

I've now also moved my website to "cloud" with the help of Google Sites. I have also a few years back replaced my email-server for the domain with the "cloud" with the help of Google Apps. Now my server at home/office don't do so much.

My son Axel Nordstrom (15 years old) is the person responsible for the graphics but is not quite finished with their work yet. My thought was that he could learn a little HTML in their weekly holidays from school. Right now you can compare my new website ( with the old website (

I'm really happy to build the website with Google Sites, it has worked quite smoothly and has not been so difficult to get started. My last website I built by hand using only a text editor, that's why it looks so miserably bad.

The site has now become mobile custom, which is in line with OJN Data's strategy of focusing on mobility, the support was also included in Google Sites.

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